Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the science of clean

cleaning has become a science in this house....beyond the fact everything is supposed to be sanitized prior to the baby touching it. The laundry alone has become the most complex system going. Prior to the baby, laundry was complex, now it is slightly unreal. There is no doubt that it could be simple, and it should be, but then where would my need for control shine through?
A breakdown for those who were begging to know....

Adults: we use one brand of laundry soap, different from the baby and the dogs (yes they have their own). Our soap is always perfume and scent free, usually a liquid, but sometimes a powder. We also have fabric softener and dryer sheets. There is bleach, colour safe bleach, and spot remover in the mix too, but that is everyone, right?

Baby: The baby has her own laundry soap, which is also free of everything, but also sensitive for baby skin, she also has a baby version of spot remover. Then we have another detergent for her diapers, which could be used for her clothes, and ours if we wanted, but it is $20 a bag and it is a tiny bag, so it is just for the diapers.

Dogs: The dogs have laundry soap as well. They have the cheapest crap we can find at the store. Usually scented, bright green for some reason and nothing we would ever use on our own clothes, but does wonders for stinky dog blankets. With 4 dog beds (all with their own bedding), blankets in each vehicle and 1 in gazebo, they have a lot of laundry too.....oh, and they both have great wardrobes in the off season.

Thankfully, my husband knows the system and does the lion's share of the laundry. The only thing he hasn't washed yet are the diapers, but what is one more detergent under the belt?


Christielli said...

I didn't know that dogs created so much laundry!

s said...

next life I will have cats....they do seem like a cleaner animal

Anonymous said...

I feel like a horrible pet owner now. B has ONE blanket just for her. She also seems to sleep wherever she wants. And when it's time for washing, it all goes in the same pile. I'm only one person, I can't imagine having to use three different detergetns. seeing as I only do laundry about once a month, if that. Thanks goodness for big closets that can hold mountains of clothes.