Sunday, November 28, 2010

strength from within

I debated to start this blog, simply because I neglect my other one, but I wanted to keep these thoughts somewhere in case I were to ever have need for them. One could easily argue that paper and pen do this just as well, but I like the idea of perhaps someone wanting to share these moments as well by reading the journey.

Today I am 24 weeks pregnant....and well on my way in the transition to becoming a mom. Perhaps I am already a mom, and just waiting for the baby to arrive.

My hopes for this blog are to share moments that mean something to me throughout the journey, perhaps find comfort in knowing that the scariest parts are not single events for me alone, but a common moment for all moms.
This post is simply an intro to the blog, and the next, which will follow within in moments will be the background of 0months to now.

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