Saturday, July 16, 2011

thankful to be done

I am thankful to be done thank you least for a week.

We have been really spoiled by so many people since we had Makenzie. I mean REALLY SPOILED!!! So much in fact, I have been writing thank you cards for 4 months now. Don't let me fool you, I have not spent every waking hour doing this (although it feels like it) but I have picked away at the pile for 4 months straight. I have one more gathering to go, then I am done. I have gone through 6 boxes of thank you cards, plus used some other note cards I had around. One cannot complain when you are being loved as much as we have been, but I will be happy when the card writing is over. I have wrote a personal message in each one and tried my best to make each note as thoughtful as the gifts sent to us. I really wanted to avoid the general card with a 'thank you' on the front and my signature on the back, but I do see the appeal.

I did joke the other day that all of the card writing was incentive enough to not have a second child. Perhaps any only children should ask their parents if they had a hefty card writing load after their birth, it may explain things.

1 comment:

Christielli said...

I would always hear two explanations to my only child-dom from my parents.

If I was being good, the reason why I was an only child was because it wouldn't be fair for me to have a sibling since they couldn't compete.

If I was being bad, the reason why I was an only child was because they couldn't risk having another turn out that horribly.