Sunday, January 9, 2011

welcome to your 30's!

Today starts off week 30...and a slap in the face of reality....I am actually having a baby - what the hell.
I am now rationalizing the when.....technically 10 weeks left, but there have been discrepancies with my first ultrasounds and last menstrual period and even forget those 2 technologies, but another discrepancy with when I actually had sex, which I still believe is more accurate than the other 2.

So, according to my midwife, I am due March 20th, which I changed to the 19th for astrology reasons. According to the hospital I am due March 10th, and according to me, it is somewhere closer to the 14th, but have my heart (which plays no real role and is just for fun) set on the 17th.

Back to technicalities....I technically have 10 weeks left to hit the 40 week mark (March 19th), but know that this chick is fully cooked at 37 weeks (Feb 27th)....and then have been told that 7 out of 10 births are late, so maybe it is past the 20th??
I could use a psychic for this. I am a planner. I like to know the how and the when for things.

If I wasn't set on my birth wish list at this point, I could totally see the benefit in a planned c-section. Set the date - the end.

In other baby news, sleep has been a battle and a half. Besides being waken up by my sweet dog throughout the night, I am itchy, uncomfortable, hot, cold, not tired, over tired, napped too much, didn't do enough and the list goes on. I am also always exhausted which makes sleep such a high commodity right now. Come on sandman!!!

1 comment:

Christielli said...

There's a kid at school whose birthday is March 17th. Guess what his first name is?

Hope you get some good sleep soon!