Sunday, January 16, 2011


I had higher hopes that I would get in another post this week, but I was out of town and it just didn't happen. I fear this week may be similar as I have a very heavy schedule and it is supposed to snow, so shoveling will eat up my evenings.

I will go over the quick updates of week 30.

> leg cramps and shin splints have come for a visit. I partly think they are from all the driving I did this week for work and the long hours in a car. I am hoping they were a short lived item.

> my iron level is still LOW. It was recorded low mid pregnancy and I started on some supplements, but it has not gone up after almost 3 months. Now I am doubling the iron intake. I feel like a junky with all the pills I am taking, yet they are all vitamins or minerals, so it could be worse. I just have to get the timing of them all down. I have now switched the prenatal to breakfast as it has to be with food, the first iron to morning break as it has to be 3-4 hours after calcium intake (breakfast) and with vitamin C (fruit for a snack), then again at bedtime with my regular vitamin C and D pills. I am not a pill person, so this is all difficult to swallow!

> I picked away at the baby list this weekend. I am down to a few items left that I need/want in the house before she arrives. I also found some great deals through kijiji on clothes, so I am set until she is 40 by the looks of her closet.

> I started to pack the hospital bag. I have a checklist going for that as well. I know it is early, but I need some control and this makes me feel like I have some. With all this prep, I will probably be somewhere else when I go into labor and not have access to the thoughtfully packed bag.

> I borrowed the book "birthing from within" from my midwife as I am determined to have knowledge on all options before I pick mine. This is a very hippie book, even for me. There are a lot of methods which focus on drawing the pain on paper and focusing on images for strength. I draw stickmen at best and don't feel this method is for me.....but until I get through more of the book, I will hold off on full dismissal.

My goal next weekend is to get a double post out. A weekly update and something from my blog list of interesting baby stuff with my own opinion sliced in.

1 comment:

Christielli said...

Drawing out the pain. Gah, sounds crazy. I think most ppl need something more violent than drawing.