will my little girl know things from this list?? The link takes you to the same list I have below and describes why babies born in 2011 will never use or know these items. I am going to give my feedback on where my baby may stand on these things.
Video tape: MAYBE> probably will never watch one. we have some old footage of J's on VHS, so perhaps.
Travel agents: NO> i am going to guess this will not be of use to her. we book everything online ourselves.
The separation of work and home: NO> i wish she never had to see these fuse. i hate that i fuse them and don't need to. i do want to start to limit my screen/tech time when she is born, therefore reducing her exposure.
Books, magazines, and newspapers: YES> I love books, magazines and newspapers in their print versions. I know the e-version is on the rise, but I already have a lot of books for her and could not imagine bedtime stories over a tech tool.
Movie rental stores: YES> we live in a small town and will eventually rent a movie. we don't rent much now, but we also don't watch a lot of movies.
Watches: YES> I know I fell slave to the cell tonight and used it as a watch, but I still like my watches as a piece of jewelry and her Dad loves his watch collection, so that love will be passed down.
Paper maps: NO> and an unfortunate no. We have GPS in both vehicles now so it will probably never come up to buy a map.
Wired phones: YES> I love technology advancements for unwired phones, but we have an oldie in the basement in case of a power outage....ya we have cells, but family and friends call our land line.
Long distance: NO> and thank goodness for this no. We switched to LD over the internet and will never look back. as much as I want to reduce my technology use, I am 100% more in love with saving money through skype than paying a big bill.
Newspaper classifieds: NO> we shop our classifieds online....damn technology.
Dial-up Internet: MAYBE> my mom still has dial up....or did, she may be less tech than the norm. regardless, her only option is still dial up and she lives in a well populated area of Ontario, just in the country side.
Encyclopedias: NO> researching in this way seems long ago for even me.
Forgotten friends: YES> even though facebook seems all important today, it may not be in 10 years when she explores the social medias. everyone has these people.
Forgotten anything else: YES> but retrieved quickly via google searches. we do not have internet on our cells, and I don't want to, so I am happy that when we are out of the house we are off the grid.
The evening news: NO> I get all my news when I have time to read it from the website. I can't commit myself to tv at a specific time each day. I do think she will be very knowledgeable on current events as her dad and I both share an interest in world issues.
CDs: YES> and vinyl. her dad is a music buff to the core. she will know music and its history better than anyone her age. I am sure she will have a vast knowledge of albums.
Film cameras: NO> this is a little sad, but film is just not going to be available to share. I do hope she knows printed pictures though. Since I have gone digital, I never print pictures. I like albums and think they are something worth keeping up.
Yellow and White Pages: NO> not in printed form anyways.
Catalogs: YES> I am sure she will flip the pages of the wishbook a few times before it becomes a web based catalog
Fax machines: MAYBE> we have one in our house....well a printer/scanner/copier/fax machine.... and it works well, so it may not be replaced anytime soon.
One picture to a frame: YES> and in many formats. We do love frames and putting up pictures, so she will be added into the art show at the house. We also have her grandparents old home movies on reels with a reel projector. I have yet to watch them, but it will happen and she will be there.
Wires: YES> as great as technology is, it all needs to be charged.
Hand-written letters: YES> I am a sucker for great note cards and greeting cards. I send them at random to friends and family. I will pass this on to her.
Talking to one person at a time: YES> this referred to texting and we don't do that a lot in this house....so she will grow up without the skill until she learns it on her own.
Retirement plans: YES> her dad is very financially aware and a planner for the future. We are putting together an account for her education fund when she is born, and I think this will be a building block to her own financial planning.
Mail: YES> as long as i keep the same friends and family, she will know mail. Perhaps not bills, as they go electronic, but birthday cards, random notes and small tokens will be something she will discover with the circle she is born into.
Commercials on TV: YES> although I do intend to limit tv as much as possible. I hate how much I watched as a kid, and I hate how fused kids become to a tv. there is a time and place and I will try to moderate....but when it happens, we don't pre record anything, so she will have commercials.
Commercial music radio: YES> and I hope I am correct in this. we currently listen to the small town local station on the kitchen radio and I don't want to see that change. I like the local info. I also have my alarm set to the same station in the morning.
Hiding: YES> I am a master at avoiding people when I need down time and space and this is a great skill to pass on. It is good to go off the radar now and then.
I am happy o say there are a lot more in the YES category than the NO. Some of these things, are things near and dear to our family and we are not ready to let go of them yet, therefore expose will happen.