Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It has been a while....I think I took some summer holidays from blogging.

The days have been busy and yet I cannot think off hand what we do sometimes to fill them. I am constantly trying to stay one step ahead of the little girls growth so I am ready for her next moves. It is a job in itself to know all there is on the next stages in development.

I think we have decided to start solids this weekend. 6 months was my goal. She will be 24 weeks on the weekend, yet not officially 6 months until the 13th. I think she is ready though. She meets all the requirements for being ready for solids and is showing interest, so I guess we make the move. I haven't settled on a food yet, but perhaps it will be rice cereal or banana.

I am not sure I am ready for her to make this next move. I am seeing signs of being that parent who is afraid of their child growing up too quickly.